
Links til andre sårorganisationer

European Wound Management Association EWMA

EWMA is an umbrella organisation linking wound management associations across Europe and a multidisciplinary group bringing together individuals and organisations interested in wound management.

EWMA works to reach its objectives by being an educational resource, organising conferences, contributing to international projects related to wound management, actively supporting the implementation of existing knowledge within wound management and providing information on all aspects of wound management.

På EWMAs hjemmeside kan man tilgå en række EWMA-dokumenter, som også er udarbejdede i intereuropæisk konsensus. Fx: “Antimicrobials and Non-healing Wounds: An Update”, oktober 2022 og “The Impact of patient health and lifestyle factors on wound healing”, marts 2023.

Disse dokumenter repræsenterer evidensbaseret viden og er yderst anvendelige i klinisk praksis for sårnørder. Dokumenterne kan tilgås via dette link:


World Union of Wound Healing Societies WUWHS

Over the last two decades the scientific developments in wound healing have reached new heights. Due to the ageing population chronic wounds are becoming more numerous and adding a major burden to health care economies. Diabetes is also increasing worldwide. This will only add to the problem of chronic wounds. Acute wounds now require specialists trained in the discipline of wound healing. Many countries have developed networks and educational programmes which have lead to an increase in the number of specialists devoted to wound healing. Wound healing societies in basic sciences and clinical fields have been formed in the continents of North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. There is a major need to interpret the new scientific and educational evidence base for wound care teaching programmes. These programmes need flexibility to meet local community needs in developed and developing countries.

European Tissue Repair Society ETRS

The European Tissue Repair Society, a non-profit making organisation founded in 1988, aims to promote knowledge and interchange between scientists, healthcare professionals, industry and other individuals that have an interest in tissue repair of all organs. The Society has an annual meeting and a number of focus meetings each year concentrating on different aspects of tissue repair, ranging from basic science to clinical aspects of healing.

Norsk Interessefaggruppe for Sårheling NIFS

NIFS er en tverrfaglig organisasjon som arbeider for å spre kunnskap om sår og sårheling, og å organisere og koordinere møter og kongresser angående fagområdet sår. Eventuelle spørgsmål om organisasjonen kan rettes til NIFS’ sekretariat. Norske artikler og innlegg til bladet SÅR sendes til Norsk ansvarlig for bladet SÅR.

Sårsjuksköterskor i Sverige, SSiS

SSiS ingår i Svensk sjuksköterskeförenings sektioner och nätverk som är sammanslutningar av sjuksköterskor som är intresserade av ett specialområde, exempelvis inom ämnet smärta, cancervård, operationssjukvård och ortopedisjuksköterskor.  Sårsjuksköterskeföreningens mål: Förebygga uppkomst av sår. Bidra till att resultat från forskning och utveckling inom vård och omvårdnad av personer med sår eller med risk för att utveckla sår sprids och tillämpas i klinisk verksamhet.

Logotyp för Sårsjuksköterskorna i Sverige

Surgical Infection Society – Europe SIS-E

Our society’s major purpose is to promote and encourage education and research in the nature and prevention, diagnosis and treatment of surgical infection. Over years of our existence, we have focused our activities on both the fundamental and clinical aspects of surgical infection  and have steadily contributed to the development of this specialized field of surgical care.

European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel EPUAP

A “European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel” has been created to lead and support all European countries in the efforts to prevent and treat pressure ulcers. At its inaugural meeting in London in December 1996, which included experts from many European countries, the group of over twenty agreed their mission statement and the initial Executive Board and Trustees.

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