Danish Wound Healing Society (DSFS) - an introduction
Since the 1980s there has been increasing focus on wounds in primary as well as in secondary sector. Wounds are a costly affair, and luckily new knowledge has for a long time demonstrated that wounds are highly resource demanding and of great importance for life quality for patient – but also that there are fine opportunities for the treatment of wounds.
This realization was the reason why in 1992 the pioneers started the Danish Society of Wound Healing. The founders were both doctors and nurses who recognized from the beginning that effective wound healing was not possible without intersectoral collaboration. This cooperation also included occupational, physiotherapists and podiatrists, and it is still the case today.
Besides the multi-sectoral cooperation DSFS has initially developed close cooperation with the industry, physicians and nurses in hospitals and primary sector. This cooperation has for years formed the backbone for the development of a long series of actions that have optimized the treatment of wounds. The cooperation has been a prerequisite for the strong work of the association, which will also be the case in the future in terms of sponsors who support our work and frequently exhibit at our meetings, advertise in our member journal SAAR and awards scholarships.
Danish Society of Wound Healing was the first Society of Wound in Scandinavia, and in the following years associations were formed in Sweden, Norway and Iceland. In the years after the formation of the society increased the membership rapidly from the first 30 members to 1000, which is also the membership today. DSFS is a member of the European Wound Management Association EWMA.
DSFS works on to placing the Wound field as an independent part of the Danish health care – as an expert or discipline field. The different specializations and interest groups are expected to gain more influence in future at work on wound care, and here it will be important to define the educational requirements needed for a person to be called Wound Expert.
Activities and Members
DSFS aims to raise awareness of wound care via member magazine SAAR and at meetings and courses for those who are interested in wounds.
The theme Day takes place in March, and annual meeting with course activities and
Annual General Meeting takes place in November.
DSFS has about 1000 members – of which approx. 930 live in Denmark and the rest abroad, most of the members are Scandinavians. Members are mainly nurses, doctors and therapists in health care.
The membership is DKK 350 annually which includes the association member journal SAAR. The magazine is published four times annually (March, June, September, and December).
The address of the Society:
Business Manager Helle Madsen
Charlotte Muncks Vej 26, 2. th.
2400 Copenhagen NV
Tel: +45 3035 4880
Business hour: Monday and Wednesday, 16.00 – 18.00.